210. The Gruesome Murders of Ingrid Visser and Lodewijk Severein | Spain

True Crime Europe
Business Crime
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In May 2013, Dutch couple Ingrid Visser and Lodewijk Severein disappeared in Murcia, Spain. Their bodies were found in a lemon orchard two weeks later, brutally murdered. The investigation revealed that the motive for the murders was a financial dispute between the couple and Juan Cuenca, former manager of the volleyball team Ingrid used to play for.


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De moord of Visser en Severein




Fact sheet in the murder case of Visser and Severein

Ingrid Visser & Lodewijk Severein Memorial

Moord Visser en Severein

Romanian gets 34 years jail sentence for murdering Dutch volleyball player and her partner

Created & Produced by Sonya Lowe

Narrated by Noel Vinson

Researched & Written by Sonya Lowe

Music: “Nordic Medieval” by Marcus Bressler

Background track: Doblado Studios: https://www.youtube.com/c/DobladoStudios

This True Crime Podcast was researched using open source or archive materials.