202. The Stalking Murder of Dorothy Scott | USA

American True Crime
Unsolved Mystery
Unsolved Crimes
Bizarre Crimes
Dorothy Scott Podcast
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32-year-old Dorothy Scott drove a co-worker who had suffered a spider bite to hospital on May 28, 1980. After being treated, the co-worker and a friend waited at the entrance while Dorothy went to her car, saying she would meet them out the front. However, her car sped off and disappeared into the night. Dorothy was never seen alive again. In the months prior to this bizarre incident she had been receiving threatening phone calls from a stalker. Even after she was gone, the stalker continued to taunt her family.

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True Crime Database: Dorothy Scott



The tragic death of Dorothy Jane Scott

Dorothy Scott Murder: How did she die? Who killed her?

The disappearance and murder of Dorothy Jane Scott

Caller ID – The progression of trust and distrust

Caller ID stirs debate on phone privacy

Created & Produced by Sonya Lowe

Narrated by Noel Vinson

Researched & Written by Sara Brooke Christian

Music: “Nordic Medieval” by Marcus Bressler

Background track: Doblado Studios: https://www.youtube.com/c/DobladoStudios

This True Crime Podcast was researched using open source or archive materials.