7. Brazil - The Family Murders at Campo Belo (Suzanne von Richthofen)

True Crime Brazil
True Crime
Suzanne von Richthofen podcast
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In the dead of night, husband and wife, Manfred and Marisia von Richthofen were beaten to death in their bed while they were sleeping. Their teenaged children, Andreas and Suzane von Richthofen discovered their parents’ bludgeoned bodies. What happened at this home on Rua Zacarias de Goís? In a single night, Suzane and Andreas von Richthofen were orphaned. Who would want to hurt this family?

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2006 Interview with Suzane von Richthofen

Interview with Christian Cravinhos

Richthofen case shocked the country 15 years ago

Excerpts from the testimonies of Suzane and Cravinhos brothers at the trial


Wikipedia– Suzane von Richthofen

Wikipedia – Manfred von Richthofen

Murder is Everywhere


Daughter has parents murdered

Andreas’ behavior is a cry for help

Monster at home

Find out how Manfred and Marisia Von Richthofen were murdered

Daniel Cravinhos wants to show that the Von Richthofen family was dysfunctional

Gugu team paid $2 Million for interview with Suzane Von Richthofen

Suzane von Richthofen claims to have planned the death of her parents with her boyfriend

In the wake of Suzane

A year later, the scars of a barbaric crime

Prison System in Brazil

Isolated incident of emotional distress – says Andreas Von Richtofen’s uncle after break-in

Narrated by: Noel Vinson

Researched & Produced by Two Red Romans Productions

Music: “Nordic Medieval” by Marcus Bressler

Background track: Doblado Studios: https://www.youtube.com/c/DobladoStudios

This True Crime Podcast was researched using open source or archive materials.

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